Friday, January 6, 2017

1 Hour of Code

For my code game I played flappy bird. I spent 1 hour of coding this game to perform the way I wanted. I made it all the way to the final level at level 10. You can use this site to play games that involve coding.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Favorite Apprentice Episode

i. My favorite episode of The Apprentice that we have watched in marketing was episode 2.
ii. 1. The task was to sell as much ice cream on the streets of New York as possible. The teams were given push carts of ice cream, the team with the largest profit won the challenge.
2. Project Managers: Apex: Ivana
Mosaic: Kelly
3. Prize: Nicest caviar restaurant in New York for dinner.
4. Who was taken into Boardroom: Stacie, Jen C, Bradford, Ivana
5. Who was fired and why: Bradford ended up getting fired. He was exempt after winning week 1 as project manager and decided to give up his exemption because he felt that he was by far the best performing member on the team. Donald Trump thought this was a very stupid decision and said to Bradford that if that kind of decision was made when running a company the company is immediately destroyed. For that reason, Bradford was fired.
6. Why was this my favorite episode: I liked the challenge of going out into the streets and getting the true New York experience, I also enjoyed this episode because of what happened in the boardroom watching Bradford get fired after making a very stupid decision.
7. Business aspect: I learned from this episode to never stand your guard down no matter how well you think you performed, because there is always something that can turn the tables on you.
Image result for the apprentice

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

College Mascots CE

Students come together under the institution’s iconic colors and logos, magnetic mascots and fans’ chants that echo throughout the stadium. When that community is stripped of its collective imagery, it presents the institution with the great challenge of rallying the troops under a new banner. Some schools have names that refer to native americans, which will enflame some people who are of NA descent. 

College Mascots

Pepsi Commercial

                                                          May 23, 2016
November 22, 1960

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Chapter 29 Study Guide

Chapter 29.1 Terms:

  • Problem Definition: When a business clearly identifies a problem or research issue and the information that is necessary to solve it.
  • Primary Data: Data obtained for the first time  and used specifically for the particular problem or issue under study.
  • Secondary Data: Data that had already been collected for some purpose other than the current study.
  • Survey Method: A research technique in which information is gathered from people through the use of surveys or questionnaires. (It is the most frequently used method for collecting primary data.)
  • Sample: A part of the target population that is assumed to represent the entire population.
  • Observation Method: A research technique in which the actions of people are watched and recorded either by cameras or observers.\
  • Point-of-Scale Research: A powerful form of research the combines natural observation with personal interviews to get people to explain buying behavior.
  • Experimental Method: A research technique in which a researcher observes the results changing one or more marketing variables while keeping certain other variables constant under controlled conditions.
  • Data Analysis: The process of compiling, analyzing, and interpreting the results of primary and secondary data collection.

2.Research Steps
Step 1: Defining the Problem
  Are customers satisfied with the product?
  Are prices competitive with other products?
  Are the products distributed efficiently in a marketplace?
  Are promotion activities effective?
Step 2: Gathering Data
  Secondary: Internet Sources
  Secondary: U.S. Government sources
  Secondary: Consumer and Business Information Companies
  Secondary: Business and Trade
  Primary: Survey Method
  Primary: Observation Method
  Primary: Experimental Method
Step 3: Analyze Data
Step 4: Recommending Solutions to the Problem
Step 5: Applying the Results

3. Chapter 29.2 Terms
Validity: When questions asked measure what was intended to be measured.
Reliability: When a research technique produces nearly identical results in repeated trials. Reliability requires that the questions ask for the same type of information from all the respondents
Open-ended Questions: Ask respondents to construct their own response to a question.
Forced-choice Questions: Ask respondents to choose answers from possibilities given on a questionnaire.

4. Questions
Yes/No Questions
Multiple Choice Questions
Scale QuestionsAgreement Questions

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Plimoth Plantation

Plimoth Plantation is hosting their own event on Thanksgiving to give others the opportunity to spend time with friends and family. Leave all of the cooking and cleaning up to Plimoth Plantation! All they are looking for from you is your family and a good time for all. The food will be served in the style of a buffet.